Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Goal Check

Okay, time for the scorecard. Overall, not too bad.

My goals last week were:
Exercise: Walk a minimum of 30 minutes per day, every day, with 3 days of 1 hour walking and 3 yoga sessions -- Almost made it, but...::drumroll::...I have an injury. A sports injury. Okay, so it's not a rotator cuff or a pulled hamstring or any number of other things that happen to us athletes, but blisters are not to be taken lightly. Especially when they're HUMONGOUS, like this one. Still, I managed to complete six of seven planned 30-minute walks, with two 1-hour walks in there. One of the 30-minute walks was at the zoo today, where I walked for over an hour, though not cardio-walking. I'm not going to let myself count that as a full one hour.

What pleases me most is that I exercised Every Single Day last week. I'm a little proud of that.

Diet: 5 fruits and vegetables a day, every day - I'm pleased to report that I was successful five of seven days, and on the two days that I didn't get the 5-count, I did manage four servings of fruits and vegetables. I'm mostly happy with my results, because I was in a class for three days last week, and I still managed to stick to healthy eating. Mostly. Also, I went to a family reunion on Saturday and despite two tables laden with starch, sugar, and animal fat, I only ate one single serving of my grandmother's fried corn. (When she started pushing her potato salad on me, I looked her in her 85-year old eyes and said, "Stop it." She did.)

Organization: Straighten out home office and master bedroom, top to bottom - I suppose if I was going to fail at something , this was the best one to let go. I straightened and neatened, but I never managed to get either room dusted or vacuumed. I think I should have started in rooms that don't have books, magazines, television, a bed, or my computer in them.

Fun and relaxation: Zoo trip! - A great big YES! I went early this morning and had a great time. My feet were screaming at the end, but I was smiling!

When I set these goals, I had no idea if they were stretchy or not. It turned out that they were a little much for me, which seems like all the more reason to just roll them over for this week. At this point, I consider myself successful every day that I simply try.

Bye for now,

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