Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Catchy title, huh? I'm all about creativity. :)

I had some deadspace at work today, and it occurred to me that a post highlighting the things for which I'm thankful would be appropriate. Because I have a whole lot to be thankful for.

I have a family who loves me, who has always loved me, who will always love me. No matter what. I have never breathed a single breath without having that and without knowing I have it. They love me without restraint or restrictions. My family is a blessing.

I have friends who love me, who care about my health, who care about their health, who generously share their wisdom and guidance and successes with me. I love them back and strive every day to match their successes, in effort if not in achievement. My friends are blessings, each and every one.

I have a warm home, cluttered and funky with age (not a gracious age, just age) that somehow suits me well. It has trees that guide cool breezes my way in summer and rain orange and gold and russet in late autumn winds. My home is a blessing.

I have a job that provides all my material needs and more, a job that alternately aggravates and invigorates--but never bores--me. I work with people I like. My job allows me to occasionally put my feet up and ponder life, even when my feet look ridiculous wrapped up like some Goth ballerina.
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But that's another good thing about my job: it provides health benefits that allow me to take care of what hurts me. My job is a blessing.

There are so very many blessings in my life, far too many to list here. Quite often I forget about one or more (or all) of them, and yet, they're still with me, waiting to comfort me when I need it or to shame me when I realize how rich my life is.

But this time of year I remember these blessings and give thanks for them, and I wish for all people to find the blessings in their lives, too.

Happy Thanksgiving to the people I love and to anyone just passing through.

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