Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday goal check

I'm feeling really frustrated right now. Mentally, I'm ready to take on more strenuous exercise, but my body keeps throwing up roadblocks. My legs just won't walk any faster! Plus, I have new blisters on the bottoms of my feet. My toes feel like they're on fire when I walk. I'm trying to push through, but I'm finding out that patience is yet another virtue I just don't have.

Pretty good week goal-wise. I walked at least 30 minutes every day, but I never did make it to an hour. I did two yoga practices. I had planned for three practices, but I came up a little short.
Got all my fruits and veggies in Every Single Day! And I made it through another week with no major splurges. Thank God for Sugar-free Fudgesicles!

Today I walked out at
Shelby Farms, a park in East Memphis. I almost didn't walk outside today. We've got ugly air, due to drifting from the fires in Georgia and Florida, and we've had a gray haze for three days. You can see it, a little, in the photo below. The bison had apparently already completed their walk and were in the cool down phase.

Bison - Shelby Farms

I don't know when I'll try this park again. The trail I was on was 1.67 miles, which is perfect for me right now, but it also is almost completely without shade. Not good in the heat of a Memphis summer, though it will probably be okay for fall and winter. We'll see.

All in all, a satisfying week, and I guess wanting to do more exercise isn't totally a bad thing. It's a far cry from where I was this time last month, right? Right!

Onward and upward! Or in my case, downward! :-)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Goal Check

Okay, time for the scorecard. Overall, not too bad.

My goals last week were:
Exercise: Walk a minimum of 30 minutes per day, every day, with 3 days of 1 hour walking and 3 yoga sessions -- Almost made it, but...::drumroll::...I have an injury. A sports injury. Okay, so it's not a rotator cuff or a pulled hamstring or any number of other things that happen to us athletes, but blisters are not to be taken lightly. Especially when they're HUMONGOUS, like this one. Still, I managed to complete six of seven planned 30-minute walks, with two 1-hour walks in there. One of the 30-minute walks was at the zoo today, where I walked for over an hour, though not cardio-walking. I'm not going to let myself count that as a full one hour.

What pleases me most is that I exercised Every Single Day last week. I'm a little proud of that.

Diet: 5 fruits and vegetables a day, every day - I'm pleased to report that I was successful five of seven days, and on the two days that I didn't get the 5-count, I did manage four servings of fruits and vegetables. I'm mostly happy with my results, because I was in a class for three days last week, and I still managed to stick to healthy eating. Mostly. Also, I went to a family reunion on Saturday and despite two tables laden with starch, sugar, and animal fat, I only ate one single serving of my grandmother's fried corn. (When she started pushing her potato salad on me, I looked her in her 85-year old eyes and said, "Stop it." She did.)

Organization: Straighten out home office and master bedroom, top to bottom - I suppose if I was going to fail at something , this was the best one to let go. I straightened and neatened, but I never managed to get either room dusted or vacuumed. I think I should have started in rooms that don't have books, magazines, television, a bed, or my computer in them.

Fun and relaxation: Zoo trip! - A great big YES! I went early this morning and had a great time. My feet were screaming at the end, but I was smiling!

When I set these goals, I had no idea if they were stretchy or not. It turned out that they were a little much for me, which seems like all the more reason to just roll them over for this week. At this point, I consider myself successful every day that I simply try.

Bye for now,

Saturday, May 19, 2007

What I Need...Apparently

A friend sent one of those meme thingies this week, and it turned out to provide a giggle or two. The idea is to type in a google search with the phrase "yourname needs" in the search box. Then copy the first ten hits. Interesting results; here are mine:

Cammy needs...
1. to drool again
2. ...a lot more.
3. to fucking jump against low tigerts
4. someone his own age to play with so he will leave his brother alone
5. to win a scholarship to stay in ballet school
6. a comeback.
7. to come in and warm up.
8. more encouragement to click on the Reply button
9. his eyes checked.
10. a supercharger.

I drool enough as it is, thank you (#1), but I do need a lot more of something (#2) (maybe the supercharger (#10). The idea of me in a tutu (#5) is a howler, and of course, the gender for myself and my sibling is wrong (#4 #9). Most of the rest are fairly accurate.

Does anyone know what a "tigert" is?

Bye for now,

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

True Confession #1:TBL

If you expected to read about mind-altering orgasms here, you might be a bit disappointed. This isn't that kind of blog. It would be if I was actually having mind-altering orgasms, or even just the ordinary everyday kind, but in the absence of George Clooney or any reasonable substitute, I'm taking my excitement where I can get it.

My newest passion is something I never, ever, expected: I am watching a television reality show! I know, I know. I swore I never would, but I was caught in a weak moment (in bed with a sinus infection) and I succumbed. Sue me.

The object of my desire is The Biggest Loser, currently airing season 2 on the Style Network. (Yes, I know I said the Style Network was the biggest waste of airspace on this planet and all the others--including Pluto, which I will always consider a planet--but I might have been a little bit wrong. This show and Clean House make it worth watching every now and then, but the rest of their schedule is pretty pathetic.)

What draws me to TBL is the overwhelming compassion and admiration I feel for the contestants. I can't imagine having the strength and courage to a) weigh myself, b) weigh myself in front of millions of people, c) appear on television in those skimpy workout clothes, d) exercise 3-4 hours a day, e) exercise for people's entertainment, f) discuss my inner feelings about my body image with a guy holding a video camera, and g) set myself up to fail in front of a national audience. Give me the faceless Internet! If I fail here, I hit the delete button.

The Grand Prize on TBL is $250,000. Worth dropping Little Debbie as my BFF, perhaps, but not if I have to get on stage in a sports bra and spandex bike shorts to compete. And I'm not so sure the money is what motivates the show's contestants, either. Maybe I'm imagining it, but it seems to me that they're far more interested in the opportunity to devote themselves to getting healthy(-ier) and the show is a way to jump start their weight loss efforts. Some of them have a sense of desperation about them, and I understand and identify with that. These are my people.

The basic premise of the show is that the contestants are sequestered on a "ranch" for a few months and organized in teams. Each week they face a new "temptation" and a new "physical challenge". One night they were offered a $2,300 prize if they ate a piece of cake (no one did!); another night, they could read letters from home if they ate a plate of their favorite food (no one did!) Physical challenges include running up mountains or moving a stack of gold bars equivalent to their weight from the bottom of a swimming pool to the side. Winners get extra prizes, sometimes tangibles, sometimes immunity from elimination. Oh yeah, that's the down side: each week, someone is voted out and sent home, which always makes me a little sad, but for the Style Network run, they've added a segment at the end that shows how the contestant does after he/she leaves the show. So far, almost all have continued their fitness quests and are enormously successful. (One guy didn't do so great.)

New episodes air every night at 7:00 (my time), and I tape them to watch after I've treadmilled. As crazy as it sounds, I sit there and watch, huffing and puffing after my 30 minute walk, and I'm one of them. I've avoided the day's temptations and endured my physical challenge. I listen to the lessons they learn and think about how to implement them in my own life. I laugh with them, and I cry with them. I feel their frustrations...and their unfailing hope. My people.

I have hope, too. Hope...and a plan.

Bye for now,

Monday, May 14, 2007

Goals 05/13/07

So here's something new for the shiny new blog: weekly goals. I'm going to try (for a few weeks anyway) posting my goals and targets for the week. At the end of the week, I'll 'fess up. Maybe the possibility of public humiliation will be a good motivator.

Or maybe not. If this little feature disappears at some point, you'll know it wasn't working.

On to the show: Goals for the coming week...
Exercise: Walk a minimum of 30 minutes per day, every day, with 3 days of 1 hour walking; also 3 yoga sessions

Diet: 5 fruits and vegetables a day, every day

Organization: Straighten out home office and master bedroom, top to bottom.

Fun and relaxation: Zoo trip!

I'll let you know next weekend how it went. Wish me luck. Or maybe strength.

Bye for now,

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Something Old, Something New

Sheesh. You don't use a blog for a year or so, and they assume you're not going to be back. Since Blogger doesn't seem to recognize my sign in info anymore (I'm sure it's nothing I'm doing wrong), I'll just start over. If you want to see what I was up to before, you can click here.

But life goes on. Not much has changed about me in the past year. Still living in my singlespace. It's still disorganized, because I'm still disorganized. But I'm ever hopeful.

I'm also still struggling with too much weight, but I think I've got the beast wrestled into submission for now. I'm having to start over on my exercising (nasty sinusitis!), but this weekend was really productive: 2.5 hours of walking and one yoga session. And no major food problems. All things considered, I'm feeling pretty good about me right now.

Writing is...okay, I don't know what writing is anymore. It's a long story that I can't seem to find the words to tell, but I'm working on it. Restarting my blog is step one.

Lots of restarting and renewing going on, so maybe it's a good thing to have a shiny new blog. Even if I am the same old me.

Bye for now,